Биология - Берг, Кассио ван ден

09 февраля 2011

Кассио Ван ден Берг — ботаник, эксперт по орхидным Бразилии.

Работал в Королевских ботанических садах в Кью. Был профессором в Государственном университете Фейра-де-Сантана исп. Universidad Estatal de Feira de Santana, Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas.

Научные работы

  • van den Berg, C. 1998. Banco genetico de orquideas: diversidade e conservacao. In: Bandel, G. Recursos geneticos vegetais., ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brasil. pp. 27-39.
  • van den Berg.C. and P.S. Martins. 1998. Biogeography of Brazilian Cattleyas: geographic distribution, morphological variability, evolutionary and taxonomic consequences. In: Pereira, C.E.B. Proceedings of the 15th World Orchid Conference. Naturalia Publications, Turriers, France, pp. 315-320.
  • Andrade, I.; Morais, H. C.; Diniz, I. R.; van den Berg, C. 1999. Richness and abundance of caterpillars on Byrsonima species in an area of cerrado vegetation in Central Brazil Journal of Tropical Ecology 47: 691-695.
  • van den Berg, C. and M.W. Chase. 2000. Nomenclatural notes on Laeliinae — I. Lindleyana 15: 115-119.
  • van den Berg, C., W.E. Higgins, R.L. Dressler, W.M. Whitten, M.A. Soto Arenas, A. Culham and M.W. Chase. 2000. A phylogenetic analysis of Laeliinae based on sequence data from internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Lindleyana 15: 96-114.
  • Costa, N.M.S. and C. van den Berg. 2001. A new species of Stylosanthes Sw. from Guerrero, México. Kew Bulletin 56: 239-241.
  • van den Berg, C. and M.W. Chase. 2001. Nomenclatural notes on Laeliinae — II. Additional combinations and notes. Lindleyana 16: 109-112.
  • van den Berg, C. 2001. Nomenclatural notes on Laeliinae III — Notes on Cattleya and Quisqueya, and a new combination in Prosthechea. Lindleyana 16: 142-143.
  • Borba, E.L.; G.J. Shepherd; C. van den Berg; J. Semir. 2002. Floral and vegetative morphometrics of five Pleurothallis: correlation with taxonomy, phylogeny, genetic variability and pollination systems. Annals of Botany 90: 219-230. ISBN 12197519
  • van den Berg, C.; W.E. Higgins; R.L. Dressler; W.M. Whitten; A. Culham; M.W. Chase. 2002. Molecular systematics of Laeliinae. In: : J. Clark, W.M. Elliott, G. Tingley and J. Biro Proceedings of the 16th World Orchid Conference.. Vancouver Orchid Society, Vancouver. pp. 170-176.
  • van den Berg, C.; A. Ryan; P. Cribb; M.W. Chase. 2002. Molecular phylogenetics of Cymbidium: sequence data from Internal Transcribed Spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA and plastid matK. Lindleyana 17: 102-111.
  • Carlini-Garcia, L. A..; C. van den Berg; P. S. Martins 2002. A morphometric analysis of floral characters in Miltonia spectabilis and Miltonia spectabilis var. moreliana. Lindleyana 17: 122-129.
  • Cruz, D. T.; Borba, E. L.; van den Berg, C. 2003. O gênero Cattleya no estado da Bahia. Sitientibus 3: 28-36.
  • Brazilian National Genome Project Consortium 2003. The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial variability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.100: 11660-11665.
  • Sousa Costa, N. M. & van den Berg, C. 2003. A new species of Stylosanthes Sw. from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 58: 743-747.
  • van den Berg, C. 2003. Considerações sobre as ex-Laelias brasileiras, Sophronitis e outros gêneros. Orchid News 20.
  • Higgins, W. E.; van den Berg, C.; Whitten, W. M. 2003. A combined molecular phylogeny of Encyclia and relationships within Laeliinae. Selbyana 24: 165-179.
  • van den Berg, C. & Gonçalves, C. N. 2004. Adamantinia, a new showy genus of Laeliinae from Eastern Brazil. Orchid Digest 68: 230-232.
  • van den Berg, C. & Chase, M. W. 2004. A reappraisal of Laeliinae: taxonomic history, phylogeny and new generic alliances. Orchid Digest 68: 221-226.
  • van den Berg, C. & Chase, M. W. 2004. A chronological view of Laeliinae taxonomical history. Orchid Digest 68: 226-254.
  • van den Berg, C.; Chase, M. W. 2004. Um novo gênero de Laeliinae do Brasil: Cattleyella Van den Berg & M.W.Chase. Boletim CAOB 52: 99-101.
  • Gravendeel, B.; M. C. M. Eurlings; C. van den Berg; ; P. J. Cribb. 2004. Phylogeny of Pleione and parentage analysis of its hybrids based on plastid and nrITS sequences and morphological data. Systematic Botany 29: 50-63.
  • Freudenstein, J. V.; C. van den Berg; D. H. Goldman; P. J. Kores; M. Molvray; M. W. Chase. 2004. An expanded plastid DNA phylogeny of Orchidaceae and analysis of jacknife branch support strategy. American Journal of Botany 91: 149-157.
  • Goldman, D. H.; Janzen, R. K.; C. van den Berg; Leitch, I.; Fay, M.; Chase, M. W. 2004. Molecular and cytological examination of Calopogon: circumscription, phylogeny, polyploidy, and possible hybrid speciation. American Journal of Botany 91: 707-723.
  • Goldman, D. H.; C. van den Berg; M. P. Griffith 2004. Morphometric circumscription of species and infraspecific taxa in Calopogon R.Br.. Plant Systematics and Evolution 247: 37-60.
  • van den Berg, C.; D. H. Goldman, J. V. Freudenstein; A. M. Pridgeon; K. M. Cameron; M. W. Chase. 2004. An overview of the phylogenetic relationships within Epidendroideae and recircumscription of Epidendreae and Arethuseae American Journal of Botany.
  • Berg, C van den; DH Goldman; JV Freudenstein; AM Pridgeon; KM Cameron; MW Chase. 2005. An overview of the phylogenetic relationships within Epidendroideae inferred from multiple DNA regions and recircumscription of Epidendreae & Arethuseae. Am.J.Bot. 92:613-624
  • Azevedo, C; C van den Berg. 2005. Proposals to conserve the name Prescottia with that spelling and P. plantaginea against P. plantaginifolia. Taxon, Vol. 54: 4: 1105-1106. ISSN 0040-0262
  • Andrade, IM; SJ Mayo, C van den Berg, MF Fay, M Chester, C Lexer, D Kirkup. 2007. A Preliminary Study of Genetic Variation in Populations of Monstera adansonii var. klotzschiana from North-East Brazil, Estimated with AFLP Molecular Markers. Ann Bot.: 17823112

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