Биология - Бэйрд, Спенсер Фуллертон - Труды

09 февраля 2011

1. Бэйрд, Спенсер Фуллертон
2. Труды

  • Catalogue of North American Reptiles in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution
  • Catalogue of North American Birds
  • Birds, in the series of reports of explorations and surveys for a railway route from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean, welches nach Aussagen von Elliott Coues eine neue Epoche der Ornithologie markierte,
  • Mammals of North America: Descriptions based on Collections in the Smithsonian Institution
  • Review of North American Birds
  • A History of North American Birds, ein Monumentalwerk, welches er gemeinsam mit Thomas Mayo Brewer und Robert Ridgway erstellte.

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