Биология - Макмиллан, Конвей

09 февраля 2011


Конвей Макмиллан родился в 1867 году.

Он проводил обширные экспедиции в штате Миннесота в поисках образцов растений.

Конвей Макмиллан умер в 1929 году.

Научная деятельность

Конвей Макмиллан специализировался на семенных растениях и на микологии.

Некоторые публикации

  • 1890. Notes on some phanerogams of central Minnesota.
  • 1891. Interesting Anatomical and Physiological Researches. Botanical Gazette, Vol. 16, Nº 11, pp. 305—311.
  • 1891. On the growth-periodicity of the potato tuber. Ed. Ferris Bros.
  • 1893. On Methods of Defending the Existence of a Sham Biology in America. Science 26; 21: 289—291.
  • 1893. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. The American Naturalist, Vol. 27, Nº 316, pp. 365—366.
  • 1895. The influence of spray & rain on the forms of leaves. Science 11; 2: 481—482.
  • 1897. Notes for teachers on the geographical distribution of plants. 6 pp.
  • 1901. Some considerations on the nature, organization and work of the modern botanical institute. Ed. The Pioneer Press. 27 pp.
  • 1888. Twenty-two common insects of Nebraska. Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska. Ed. Univ. Nebraska. 101 pp.
  • 1899. Minnesota plant life. Geological and natural history survey. Report of the survey. Botanical series. xxv, 566 pp. ilus. 4 planchas.
  • 1890. Some considerations on the alternation of generations in plants: Delivered before the Botanical seminar of the University of Nebraska, 1896. Ed. The Seminar. 41 pp.
  • 1892. The Metaspermae of the Minnesota Valley. A List of the higher seed-producing plants indigenous to the drainage-basin of the Minnesota River. 826 pp. Reimprimió Kessinger Publ. LLC, 2010. 220 pp. ISBN 1120962439.
  • 1894. Minnesota Botanical Studies. Ed. Minneapolis: Harrison & Smith, State Printers. Vols. 1, 2, 3. 1.081 pp.
  • 1898. The orientation of the plant egg and its ecological significance. Ed. University of Chicago Press. 23 pp.
  • 1901. Some considerations on the nature, organization and work of the modern botanical institute. Ed. The Pioneer Press. 27 pp.

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