Биология - Смит, Джеймс Эдвард - Научные труды

09 февраля 2011

1. Смит, Джеймс Эдвард
2. Научные труды

  • Linneaeus, Carl von. Disquisitio de sexu plantarum. — A dissertation on the sexes of plants translated from the Latin of Linnaeus by James Edward Smith. London: Printed for the author, and sold by George Nicol. 1786
  • Icones pictae plantarum rariorum descriptionibus et observationibus illustratae /Auctore J.E. Smith, M.D. Fasc. 1-3. London, 1790-93
  • The natural history of the rarer lepidopterous insects of Georgia :including their systematic characters, the particulars of their several metamorphoses, and the plants on which they feed. Collected from the observation of Mr. John Abbot, many years resident in that country /by James Edward Smith, London : Printed by T. Bensley, for J. Edwards 1797.
  • English Botany: Or, Coloured Figures of British Plants, with their Essential Characters, Synonyms and Places of Growth. Published and illustrated by James Sowerby

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